Beep BeE Doop 1 March 2023

Teeny tiny daisy sprouts turned a long day bright. I hope they live. And my aloe Vera. I hope it lives.

Tried to seed swap with a coworker but her seeds were the same as mine. We both like peas and cucumbers. Both of us get frustrated by “super easy to grow” plants that flunk out of the garden.

At least I have mache. So glad to find another wild edible green. It’s gone into a lot of my soups and salads this past month.

Purple martins this year?

I believe we needs moments alone, and to live together as family. Most of my life has been backwards.

My hell is made of numbers.

All I want is to pursue hobbies on my own schedule. Is this just being 53? I am supposed to be done with normal life by now. ::spits::

Be Doop 28 Feb 2023

Broke my Duolingo streak yesterday. Felt something was off or forgotten (offorgotten??) all day. This morning, Duo asked if I wanted to “purchase” a streak freeze.

Games need for uniqueness sometimes makes for baffling choices.

Duolingo awards you with ice cubes as their monetary units. A streak freeze cost me 200 ice cubes. If only that worked on rent and groceries.

Work headphones finally broke completely. The right ear went out months ago, the left gave out today. I made a rare lunchtime errand run to Target. Can’t work without a YouTuber chatting at me.

Automation really only works in certain circumstances and you know what? Almost counterproductive if your goal is communication.